Energy Technologies

Tecnologie per i trasporti

Status Title Autors Info
Status Title Autors Info
5 Electrical Storage for Automotive Systems Natascia Andrenacci, Francesco Vellucci, Chiara Boccaletti
5 Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles Stephen Mcphail, Leone Martellucci
5 Airport Infrastructures Luigi Martirano, Riccardo Loggia, Sonia Giovinazzo
5 Seaport Infrastructures Luigi Martirano, Riccardo Loggia, Sonia Giovinazzo
5 Automotive Internal Combustion Engines Fernando Ortenzi, Leone Martellucci
5 Charging of Electric Vehicles Francesco Vellucci, Maria Carmen Falvo, Matteo Manganelli
5 Rail Transport Alessandro Ruvio, Nicola Mortelliti, Silvia Orchi
5 Public Road Transport Maria Pia Valentini, Gabriella Messina, Leone Martellucci
5 Urban Rail Transport Alessandro Ruvio, Maria Carmen Falvo, Maria Pia Valentini
5 2-3 Wheeled Motor Vehicles Leone Martellucci
5 Full Hybrid and Hybrid Plug-in Vehicles Manlio Pasquali, Fabio Giulii Capponi

   Automotive Internal Combustion Engines

Autors:   Fernando Ortenzi, Leone Martellucci

Transport technologies

Internal combustion engines for motor vehicles, with spark ignition and compression ignition, constitute a more than mature technology that is nevertheless constantly evolving both due to the need to contain pollutant emissions in transport and because it is driven by a very lively global market which, in terms of innovation, it is second only to that of some consumer electronics devices. Numerous improvements, which have also recently occurred, have already allowed, and will allow in the future, to optimize combustion and the use of fuels, reducing fuel consumption and emissions from vehicles. The innovation concerns both light vehicles, on which this brief is focused, and heavy vehicles.

Examples of advanced technologies for spark ignition engines include direct fuel injection, electronic management of valve timing for intake and exhaust valves, variable compression ratio, prechamber combustion and water injection. For diesel engines, on the other hand, we can mention, for example, the injection by compression with homogeneous charge and the optimization of the cooling system. Technologies and interventions common to both engines are instead the reduction of friction losses, cylinder deactivation, downsizing and supercharging, to achieve the electrification of the powertrain in hybrid systems. Finally, it is worth mentioning the Atkinson cycle, already on the market for many years in hybrid vehicles, which offers advantages in terms of cycle efficiency (energy efficiency).


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