
The SIMTE platform offers its services for free to registered “users” and "experts".

The registration as "user" allows the access to reports and databases via a Virtual Assistant which helps searching and comparing performance and costs of different technologies, and addresses users’ questions.

The registration as "expert" also allows the access to the computational model for assessing performance, costs and investment in energy technologies, based on data from the SIMTE DB or entered by the user.

The registration as "expert" is recommended for professionals, institutional or academic users who hold technical, economic, operational, regulatory or market knowledge in the field of energy technologies. The use of the computational model requires indeed at least some of these knowledge. The access to the model may also be supported by the Virtual Assistant. A valid e-mail address is needed for registration.

Il portale SIMTE è accessibile gratuitamente tramite la Registrazione che permette l'accesso ai documenti, ai dati e agli strumenti di ricerca e analisi. Sono disponibili due tipi di registrazione come Utente o come Esperto.

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