Energy Technologies

Tecnologie per i trasporti

Status Title Autors Info
Status Title Autors Info
5 Electrical Storage for Automotive Systems Natascia Andrenacci, Francesco Vellucci, Chiara Boccaletti
5 Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles Stephen Mcphail, Leone Martellucci
5 Airport Infrastructures Luigi Martirano, Riccardo Loggia, Sonia Giovinazzo
5 Seaport Infrastructures Luigi Martirano, Riccardo Loggia, Sonia Giovinazzo
5 Automotive Internal Combustion Engines Fernando Ortenzi, Leone Martellucci
5 Charging of Electric Vehicles Francesco Vellucci, Maria Carmen Falvo, Matteo Manganelli
5 Rail Transport Alessandro Ruvio, Nicola Mortelliti, Silvia Orchi
5 Public Road Transport Maria Pia Valentini, Gabriella Messina, Leone Martellucci
5 Urban Rail Transport Alessandro Ruvio, Maria Carmen Falvo, Maria Pia Valentini
5 2-3 Wheeled Motor Vehicles Leone Martellucci
5 Full Hybrid and Hybrid Plug-in Vehicles Manlio Pasquali, Fabio Giulii Capponi

   Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles

Autors:   Stephen Mcphail, Leone Martellucci

Transport technologies
Among the many uses Fuel Cells (FC) can fulfil, a highly promising application is the electrification of mobility, as fuelled electric vehicles. FCEV combine the driving/duty ranges and refuelling times of conventional vehicles with the low impact and driving characteristics of a battery electric vehicle (BEV). Pollutant emissions are extremely low, as combustion-based products (NOx, SOx, particulate matter) are avoided. Key criticalities are the necessity of using Platinum Group Metals (PGM), and the custom engineering of the complete drivetrain, inducing high costs. Fuelled with hydrogen, FCEV are affected by a lack of widely distributed refuelling infrastructure. In 2014 Hyundai was the first car manufacturer to market a mass-produced FCEV (Tucson Fuel Cell vehicle). Toyota, in 2015, put a specifically designed, mass-manufactured FCEV model (Mirai) on the retail market, selling for around €65.000, and already a 3-year waiting list has developed in Japan. Honda released its FC Clarity in 2016. Other car manufacturers actively pursuing the development of FCEV are Opel-PSA, Daimler, Renault-Nissan, Ford and Kia, as well as BMW and Volkswagen. The duty cycle of captive fleets (like buses, being refuelled at a common depot) make them outstanding applications for initial deployment of FCEV. FC can also be used to extend the driving range of BEV by charging the battery drivetrain with a small on-board supply of hydrogen. FC forklifts provide great added value, since in addition to the electric drive, with zero emissions, as is the case of battery-powered forklifts, refuelling times are short and power is constant. In the USA, already over 6.000 FC forklift trucks are being used commercially. In Italy, the Piano Nazionale di Sviluppo – Mobilità Idrogeno Italia thoroughly analyses the prospects for FCEV transport in all sectors (passenger, transit and material handling vehicles) and proposes a roadmap for the deployment of FCEV as well as associated hydrogen refuelling stations (HRS) from 2020 through to 2050, including a detailed projection of costs, fleet volumes, hydrogen sources, distribution of HRS, abated pollution, suggested European and national incentive schemes.

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