Energy Technologies

Produzione e distribuzione di elettricità  e calore

Status Title Autors Info
Status Title Autors Info
5 Electrochemical Accumulators for Stationary Use Pier Paolo Prosini, Maria Carmen Falvo, Matteo Manganelli, Matteo Scanzano
5 Energy Storage via Thermal Technologies Chiara Boccaletti
5 Electricity Storage via Mechanical Technologies Chiara Boccaletti
5 Electricity Storage via Mechanical Technologies Chiara Boccaletti
5 Electricity Storage via Chemical Technologies Chiara Boccaletti
5 Thermal Energy Storage Fabio Bisegna, Fabio Nardecchia, Laura Pompei, Adio Miliozzi
5 Carbon Capture and Storage Claudia Bassano, Stefano Stendardo, Paolo Deiana, Andrea Lanzini, Elena Rozzi
5 High Temperature Fuel Cells Marta Gandiglio, Massimo Santarelli, Davide Pumiglia
5 Concentrating Solar Power Simona De Iuliis
5 Decarbonization of the Food Industry Pierluigi Leone, Sonja Sechi, Rosilio Pallottelli
5 Decarbonization of Pulp and Paper Production Pierluigi Leone, Sonja Sechi, Antonio Calabrò
5 Decarbonisation of Aluminum Production Massimo Maffucci, Pierluigi Leone, Sonja Sechi
5 Decarbonization of Chemical Production Pierluigi Leone, Sonja Sechi, Rosilio Pallottelli
5 Decarbonization of Textile Production Pierluigi Leone, Sonja Sechi, Antonio Calabrò
5 Electricity Distribution Luigi Martirano, Matteo Manganelli, Giorgio Graditi, Maria Valenti
5 Electrification in Industry Pierluigi Leone, Sonja Sechi, Antonio Calabrò
5 Gas-fired Power Plants Marco Maccioni
5 Off-shore Wind Energy Filippo Spertino, Gabriele Malgaroli, Angela Amato, Giambattista Guidi
5 Onshore Wind Energy Filippo Spertino, Gabriele Malgaroli, Angela Amato, Giambattista Guidi
5 Nuclear Energy Giambattista Guidi, Luisa Ferroni, Michela Mascia
5 Biomass Gasification Elena Rozzi, Andrea Lanzini, Nadia Cerone
5 Maritime Transport Carriers Alessandro Ruvio, Andrea Vicenzutti, Silvia Orchi
5 Renewables Integration in Distribution Grids Giorgio Graditi, Marialaura Di Somma, Maria Carmen Falvo, Matteo Manganelli, Matteo Scanzano
5 Renewables Integration in Transmission Grids Giorgio Graditi, Marialaura Di Somma, Maria Carmen Falvo, Matteo Manganelli, Matteo Scanzano
5 Buildings Envelop - Windows and Shutters Antonio Di Micco, Fabio Bisegna, Chiara Burattini, Laura Pompei
5 Photovoltaics Solar Power Salvatore Castello
5 Electric Hobs Chiara Boccaletti, Simonetta Fumagalli
5 Biomethane Production Marco Cavana, Pierluigi Leone, Elena De Luca
5 Biomass for Combined Heat and Power Andrea Lanzini, Elena Rozzi, Vincenzo Gerardi, Giovanni Stoppiello
5 Synthetic Gas Production via Power-to-Gas Process Paola Gislon, Francesco Orsini, Alberto Grimaldi, Elena Rozzi, Andrea Lanzini
5 Low-carbon Hydrogen from Sources other than Renewables Marco Cavana, Pierluigi Leone, Viviana Cigolotti
5 Hydrogen Production from Renewable Sources – Green H2 Domenico Ferrero, Massimo Santarelli, Luca Turchetti
5 District Heating Systems Fabio Nardecchia, Fabio Bisegna, Fabio Zanghirella
5 Low Temperature Solar Thermal Ferdinando Salata, Lorenzo Maria Pastore, Fabio Bisegna, Adio Miliozzi
5 Desalination technologies Matteo Fasano, Matteo Morciano, Rafael Dona Guerrero, Giampaolo Caputo
5 Geothermal Technologies for Buildings Heating and Cooling (low enthalpy) Stefano Lo Russo, Martina Gizzi, Anna Carmela Violante
5 Geothermal Technologies For Energy Production (High Enthalpy) Stefano Lo Russo, Martina Gizzi, Michele Mondani, Anna Carmela Violante
5 Hydro-Power Technologies Pierluigi Leone, Enrico Vaccariello, Giambattista Guidi
5 Electricity Transmission Giorgio Graditi, Maria Valenti, Maria Carmen Falvo, Matteo Manganelli, Matteo Scanzano
5 CO2 Transport Marco Cavana, Pierluigi Leone, Claudia Bassano
5 Hydrogen Transport and Storage Marco Cavana, Pierluigi Leone, Stephen McPhail
5 Natural Gas Transport and Logistics Alessandro Giocoli, Marco Cavana, Pierluigi Leone
5 Technologies for CO2 Utilization Marco Marchese, Massimo Santarelli, Andrea Lanzini, Rosanna Viscardi
5 Electric Vehicles Manlio Pasquali, Fabio Giulii Capponi
5a Electricity Transmission and Distribution Giorgio Graditi 2018 archive
5a Fuel Cells Stephen Mcphail 2018 archive
5a Tecnologie geotermiche Massimo Angelone 2018 archive

   Decarbonization of Textile Production

Autors:   Pierluigi Leone, Sonja Sechi, Antonio Calabrò

Production and Distribution of Electricity and Heat
The textile sector plays a very important role in the sustainability of manufacturing industries. With around 10% of total anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions globally, considering the whole value chain, the textile sector clearly plays a decisive role in climate mitigation policies addressing multiple issues such as material supply, manufacturing and users’ behavior. Similarly, the sector can play a very important role in the field of socio-economic sustainability; while in fact the garment packaging and shoes’ production sector employs about 60,000,000 million workers in the world, it is estimated that about 100,000,000 children are directly or indirectly involved in the sector as workers, children of workers in the sector or members of communities settled in raw material production fields or production plants proximity. The global production of textile is about 60 million tons per year, with the deployment of about 60% of synthetic fibers and a very wide use of polyesters produced by processes with high greenhouse gas emissions. Globally, considering the situation in 2019, the production of textile products absorbed about 2.5 EJ of energy, equal to about 2% of final consumption in industry and 3% of consumption of the entire manufacturing sector. If we consider the entire value chain, from the production of raw materials to the use of textile products, it is estimated that emissions can amount to more than 2.1 billion tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year equal to about 4% of global emissions. Other estimates report values of up to 10% of total emissions since it is difficult to account emissions in the consumers’ end use phases. In addition to carbon dioxide emissions, the textile sector also has a very high impact in terms of land and water use and contamination of the same. It is estimated that 20% of the total pollution of the planet's waters is linked to textile production processes. The technologies for the decarbonization of the sector can be classified into three macro-categories of intervention: the technologies that intervene in the upstream supply chain including the decarbonization of the production of raw materials, the processing of the same and the final processing of garments; the technologies that intervene in the retail chain including the selection of sustainable raw materials, packaging and transport, the sales phase; technologies to increase the circularity of the sector and promote the sustainable behavior of end users. In response to the upstream supply chain, it is necessary to focus on decarbonization in the production of raw materials, the use of renewable sources for the production of energy used in the sector, the energy efficiency of the machines used in the sector including spinning, weaving, sewing. Within the retail chain, it is necessary to focus on the choice of materials or the mix of materials for the production of clothing, the overall logistics taking into account transport and packaging, finally the distribution of products also considering the management of returns. The last area that must be considered for the decarbonization of the sector is related to consumer behavior both in the use of products, raising awareness of a correct sanitation of clothing also on the basis of the fabrics used, and in the circularity of the value chain that today is characterized by very low recycling rates.

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