Energy Technologies

Produzione e distribuzione di elettricità  e calore

Status Title Autors Info
Status Title Autors Info
5 Electrochemical Accumulators for Stationary Use Pier Paolo Prosini, Maria Carmen Falvo, Matteo Manganelli, Matteo Scanzano
5 Energy Storage via Thermal Technologies Chiara Boccaletti
5 Electricity Storage via Mechanical Technologies Chiara Boccaletti
5 Electricity Storage via Mechanical Technologies Chiara Boccaletti
5 Electricity Storage via Chemical Technologies Chiara Boccaletti
5 Thermal Energy Storage Fabio Bisegna, Fabio Nardecchia, Laura Pompei, Adio Miliozzi
5 Carbon Capture and Storage Claudia Bassano, Stefano Stendardo, Paolo Deiana, Andrea Lanzini, Elena Rozzi
5 High Temperature Fuel Cells Marta Gandiglio, Massimo Santarelli, Davide Pumiglia
5 Concentrating Solar Power Simona De Iuliis
5 Decarbonization of the Food Industry Pierluigi Leone, Sonja Sechi, Rosilio Pallottelli
5 Decarbonization of Pulp and Paper Production Pierluigi Leone, Sonja Sechi, Antonio Calabrò
5 Decarbonisation of Aluminum Production Massimo Maffucci, Pierluigi Leone, Sonja Sechi
5 Decarbonization of Chemical Production Pierluigi Leone, Sonja Sechi, Rosilio Pallottelli
5 Decarbonization of Textile Production Pierluigi Leone, Sonja Sechi, Antonio Calabrò
5 Electricity Distribution Luigi Martirano, Matteo Manganelli, Giorgio Graditi, Maria Valenti
5 Electrification in Industry Pierluigi Leone, Sonja Sechi, Antonio Calabrò
5 Gas-fired Power Plants Marco Maccioni
5 Off-shore Wind Energy Filippo Spertino, Gabriele Malgaroli, Angela Amato, Giambattista Guidi
5 Onshore Wind Energy Filippo Spertino, Gabriele Malgaroli, Angela Amato, Giambattista Guidi
5 Nuclear Energy Giambattista Guidi, Luisa Ferroni, Michela Mascia
5 Biomass Gasification Elena Rozzi, Andrea Lanzini, Nadia Cerone
5 Maritime Transport Carriers Alessandro Ruvio, Andrea Vicenzutti, Silvia Orchi
5 Renewables Integration in Distribution Grids Giorgio Graditi, Marialaura Di Somma, Maria Carmen Falvo, Matteo Manganelli, Matteo Scanzano
5 Renewables Integration in Transmission Grids Giorgio Graditi, Marialaura Di Somma, Maria Carmen Falvo, Matteo Manganelli, Matteo Scanzano
5 Buildings Envelop - Windows and Shutters Antonio Di Micco, Fabio Bisegna, Chiara Burattini, Laura Pompei
5 Photovoltaics Solar Power Salvatore Castello
5 Electric Hobs Chiara Boccaletti, Simonetta Fumagalli
5 Biomethane Production Marco Cavana, Pierluigi Leone, Elena De Luca
5 Biomass for Combined Heat and Power Andrea Lanzini, Elena Rozzi, Vincenzo Gerardi, Giovanni Stoppiello
5 Synthetic Gas Production via Power-to-Gas Process Paola Gislon, Francesco Orsini, Alberto Grimaldi, Elena Rozzi, Andrea Lanzini
5 Low-carbon Hydrogen from Sources other than Renewables Marco Cavana, Pierluigi Leone, Viviana Cigolotti
5 Hydrogen Production from Renewable Sources – Green H2 Domenico Ferrero, Massimo Santarelli, Luca Turchetti
5 District Heating Systems Fabio Nardecchia, Fabio Bisegna, Fabio Zanghirella
5 Low Temperature Solar Thermal Ferdinando Salata, Lorenzo Maria Pastore, Fabio Bisegna, Adio Miliozzi
5 Desalination technologies Matteo Fasano, Matteo Morciano, Rafael Dona Guerrero, Giampaolo Caputo
5 Geothermal Technologies for Buildings Heating and Cooling (low enthalpy) Stefano Lo Russo, Martina Gizzi, Anna Carmela Violante
5 Geothermal Technologies For Energy Production (High Enthalpy) Stefano Lo Russo, Martina Gizzi, Michele Mondani, Anna Carmela Violante
5 Hydro-Power Technologies Pierluigi Leone, Enrico Vaccariello, Giambattista Guidi
5 Electricity Transmission Giorgio Graditi, Maria Valenti, Maria Carmen Falvo, Matteo Manganelli, Matteo Scanzano
5 CO2 Transport Marco Cavana, Pierluigi Leone, Claudia Bassano
5 Hydrogen Transport and Storage Marco Cavana, Pierluigi Leone, Stephen McPhail
5 Natural Gas Transport and Logistics Alessandro Giocoli, Marco Cavana, Pierluigi Leone
5 Technologies for CO2 Utilization Marco Marchese, Massimo Santarelli, Andrea Lanzini, Rosanna Viscardi
5 Electric Vehicles Manlio Pasquali, Fabio Giulii Capponi
5a Electricity Transmission and Distribution Giorgio Graditi 2018 archive
5a Fuel Cells Stephen Mcphail 2018 archive
5a Tecnologie geotermiche Massimo Angelone 2018 archive

   Energy Storage via Thermal Technologies

Autors:   Chiara Boccaletti

Production and Distribution of Electricity and Heat
Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar energy are not always available (dispatchable). Therefore, renewable electricity and heat need to be stored to meet the end-user demand. Energy storage is currently a key technology cluster because enables electricity and heat to be stored (electricity storage and heat storage, respectively) and made available on demand. However, electricity cannot be stored as it is and needs to be transformed in another form of energy to be stored. Accordingly, energy (electricity) storage systems (ESS) are usually referred to as to the form in which energy is stored (chemical, electrochemical, mechanical, thermal storage). A wide range of energy storage technologies exists, but no technology is suitable for all applications. ESS range from large-size, long-term storage (e.g., pumped-hydro storage, compressed-air or gas storage) to small-size, short-term storage (e.g. flywheels, electrochemical capacitors). With the sole exception of pumped hydro storage, all ESS technologies still have modest deployment and require additional R&D to reduce costs and exploit their full potential. Nevertheless, ESS are set to play a growing role in the transition to a sustainable energy systems as they allow renewable electricity and heat to meet the variable end-use demand, add flexibility to the energy system, facilitate the integration of distributed generation and electro-mobility in the electrical grids, and support regulation and reserve capacity; not least, they may be used in combined devices (e.g. heat pumps with heat storage for residential service). In Italy, investors and consumers interest in small-size ESS is constantly increasing while large-size ESS (i.e., a significant pumped hydro power capacity) is traditionally used for power grid regulation. Key parameters for ESS are energy storage capacity (size) and energy density, charge and discharge power and time, allowable storage time, energy losses during charging, storage and discharging phased (storage cycle efficiency), life span (allowable number of charge/discharge cycles), and costs (investment and operation costs). For instance, ESS with high storage loss (parasitic loss) are suitable to short-term storage, while ESS with low parasitic loss are suitable to long-term storage. This paper deals with energy storage via thermal ESS also reffered to as TES (thermal energy storage). They include sensible heat storage, latent (phase-change) heat storage, and thermo-chemical heat storage. High-temperature sensible heat storage via oil and molten salt is also used in Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plants to store solar heat for electricity production. In Italy, however, thermal ESS or TES still have very small commercial penetration.

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