Tecnologie per l'industria e l'agricoltura
Decarbonization of Iron and Steel Production
Autors: Stefano Stendardo, Pierluigi Leone, Sonja Sechi
Steel is the third most abundant man-made material on earth and is used in numerous sectors, including, the sector of construction, infrastructure, transport, machinery and consumer goods. Steel production covers about 8% of global energy needs and 7% of total carbon dioxide emissions. In 2020, about 1.9 billion tons of steel were produced and 2.6 Gt of CO2 were emitted [1] .
Current technologies for steel production are (i) the integrated cycle with blast furnace (BF) and oxygen furnace (BOF, Basic Oxygen Furnace) and (ii) electric arc furnace (EAF) technology for the smelting of ferrous scrap. For the production of iron, alternative technologies to blast furnace production are based on processes of direct reduction with natural gas (MidrexTM, EnergironTM) or with coal (RedironTM FastmetTM, SL/RN) and subsequent smelting in EAF or by smelting (Redsmelt™, Corex®, Finex®) of the ferriferous material (direct production of cast iron). In the European Union (EU28) in 2020, about 57.6% of steel was produced through a basic oxygen furnace (BOF), while the remaining 42.4% is produced with Electric Arc Furnace (EAF). The only two EU28 countries where steel production comes mostly from the EAF process are Italy and Spain, in particular Italy produces 84.7% of steel from EAF and the remaining 15.3% from BOF [2].
Several options have been identified for the decarbonisation of iron and steel production that affect both direct emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels commonly used for high-temperature heat production and indirect emissions. The main categories of actions identified by the IEA in [1], there are: 1) technologies for energy efficiency and best available technologies – BAT; 2) carbon capture, storage and utilization technologies – CCS / CCU that allow the capture of emissions produced with particular attention to process ones; 3) Fuel switching technologies such as use of hydrogen in DR and blast furnace (BF) processes and the use of biomass in processes including the blast furnace and finally 4) the direct electrification of the production process by low or high temperature electrolysis.
CCS systems allow the separation of CO2 through physical adsorption or chemical absorption from combustion gases (e.g., exhaust gases from power plants subservient to the production cycle, cowper exhaust gases) or from off-gas produced in steel plants (e.g., blast furnace gas, coking plant gas). At European level, the Ulcos (Ultra Low CO2 Steelmaking) project is the largest project for the decarbonization of steel and iron production. Some of the issues considered by this project are the decarbonization of the BF-BOF integrated cycle through the TGR (Top Gas Recycling) technique, the decarbonization of a process of direct reduction (Ulcored) and reduction by fusion (Hisarna). One of the most important European initiatives for the decarbonization of the sector was the inauguration in September 2017 of a module for the separation of CO2 through a physical adsorption on solid sorbents at high temperature (SEWGS process: Sorption Enhanced Water Gas Shift). The installation of the SEWGS module in the Mefos research centre in Lulea (Sweden) was one of the main results of the European Stepwise project. To date, in Italy there are no steel plants equipped with CCS technologies- M85
- FC captive fleets
- fuel cell buses
- Decarbonizzazione della produzione siderurgica
- Decarbonizzazione della produzione di acciaio e ferro
- impianti siderurgici
- industria siderurgica energivora
- tecnologie per la produzione dellâacciaio
- ciclo integrato con altoforno
- BF
- densification
- blast furnace
- fornace ad ossigeno
- torrefaction
- basic oxygen furnace
- tecnologia ad arco elettrico
- soil and water conservation and use
- Electric Arc Furnace
- fusione dei rottami ferrosi
- produzione del ferro
- alternative alla tecnologia altoforno
- riduzione diretta con gas naturale
- Midrex
- primary bioenergy consumption
- Energiron
- wood chips
- riduzione diretta con carbone
- Rediron
- SEN 2017
- Fastmet
- bio-electricity
- Redsmelt
- Corex
- DM 16/2/2016
- Finex
- materiale ferrifero
- produzione diretta di ghisa
- tecnologie CCS
- separazione della CO2
- adsorbimento fisico
- absorbimento chimico
- fumi della combustione
- fumi da impianti di potenza asserviti al ciclo produttivo
- fumi da cowper
- off-gas siderurgici
- gas dâaltoforno
- gas di cokeria
- Ulcos
- rifiuti industriali biodegradabili
- Ultra Low CO2 Steelmaking
- decarbonizzazione del ciclo integrato BF-BOF
- residui agricoli
- Top Gas Recycling
- approvvigionamento di biomassa
- decarbonizzazione del processo di riduzione diretta
- Ulcored
- pretrattamento
- decarbonizzazione del processo di riduzione per fusione
- Hisarna
- pressatura
- separazione della CO2 per adsorbimento fisico su sorbenti solidi ad alta temperatura
- trasporto di biomassa
- Sorption Enhanced Water Gas Shift
- modulo SEWGS
- Hismelt
- Decarbonisation of iron and steel production
- iron and steel plants
- energy-intensive steel production process
- technologies for steel production
- integrated cycle with blast furnace
- oxygen furnace
- electric arc
- electric furnace
- ferrous scrap fusion
- iron production
- alternative to blast furnace technology
- natural gas-based direct reduction
- coal-based direct reduction
- ferrous material
- direct production of cast iron
- CO2 separation
- physical adsorption
- chemical absorption
- combustion fumes
- fumes from power plants serving the production cycle
- cowper fumes
- steelmaking off-gases
- blast furnace gas
- coke oven gas
- Ultra Low CO2 Steel production
- integrated cycle decarbonisation BF-BOF
- decarbonisation of the direct reduction process
- CO2 separation by physical adsorption on high temperature solid sorbents