Produzione e trasformazione di energia primaria
Biomass Production and Logistics
Autors: Vincenzo Motola, Nicola Pierro, Elena Rozzi, Andrea Lanzini
Production and Transformation of Primary Energy
The Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28/EC [1] refers to biomass as the ‘biodegradable fraction of products, waste and residues from biological origin, from agriculture (including vegetal and animal substances), forestry and related industries (including fisheries and aquaculture), as well as the biodegradable fraction of industrial and municipal waste’. This report deals with solid biofuels from wood and wood waste, agricultural and agro-industrial residues. The biomass supply chain includes production (harvesting, collection), storage, pre-treatment and densification (chipping, drying, baling, pelleting, torrefaction) and transport (by truck, ship, train). The biomass production depends on factors such as seasonal climate, soil conditions and plant diseases, while biomass logistics depends on feedstock types, transport infrastructure and final use. In the EU, for biomass to be eligible for final consumption (food, feed, materials and/or energy use) and policy support measures, the biomass production has to meet criteria and regulation regarding soil and water conservation and use. All solid and liquid biofuels consumed in the EU have to comply with the sustainability criteria set out in the Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28/EC [1] and in the Renewable Energy Directive II 2018/2001/EU [2]. All biomass from forests have to comply with the guidelines of the Sustainable Forest Management (SFM).
The non-profit association Bioenergy Europe into “Statistical Report 2021” [3] estimates the 2019 total primary bioenergy consumption in EU (including heat, electricity and biofuels for transport) at 6.28 EJ. With reference to solid biomass only, the EurObserv’ER [43] puts the biomass-based primary energy consumption in the EU-27 at 3.95 EJ in 2019. The EU solid biomass production is estimated at 3.86 EJ. The wood pellets account for about 47% of the import, while the remainder is fairly evenly distributed between wood chips, firewood and other types of solid biomass. The main import sources are North America with 5.23 million ton (Mt) equal to 37.9% of imports, non-EU countries (4.72 Mt, 34.1%), Russia (2.67 Mt, 19.3%) and South America (1.04 Mt, 7.51%)[3].
In Italy, according to the Gestore Servizi Elettrici (G.S.E. spa) Statistical Report 2021 [5]estimates the electricity production from biomass at 1.7 Mtoe in 2019, considering a Time Weighted Average National Price of 52.1 €/MWh, with a total bio-electricity value estimated at around 1.01 G€ (billion euro) per year (based on gross energy price at plant delivery point). In 2019, the biomass final energy consumption into thermal sector in Italy was 0.027 EJ of which 96 % was represented by solid biomass used for heating in residential sector and an average customer heat price of 55 €/MWh. The biomass-based district heating market value was estimated at 358 M€ per year. The Italian Statistics Agency (ISTAT) reports a 2015 [7] residential heating consumption of 19.2 Mt of wood and pellet, of which 1.5 Mt of pellets. The total wood and pellet combined market value is estimated at 2.3 G€ (billion euro) per year, with Italy being the first pellet consumer in Europe. In its 2015 progress report, the Italy’s National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP 2015) [6] assesses the 2014 biomass supply for energy use from both domestic production and import: direct forestry wood biomass supply is 0.2 EJ and 0.02 EJ, respectively; indirect wood forestry biomass supply is 0.02 EJ and 0.04 EJ; and energy crop biomass supply is 0.06 EJ and 0.03 EJ. An additional biomass supply of 0.04 EJ and 0.066 EJ comes from domestic agricultural by-products and waste. In 2019, as is reported in G.S.E report [5], in Italy the electricity products from biomass was 19563 GWh (34% Solid biomass, 42% biogas and 24% bioliquids) while on the thermal sector, in 2019, the energy produced by solid biomass was 309472 TJ, 13005 TJ by Biogas and 2337 TJ by bioliquids.
In the Italian regulation, policy and incentive schemes for biomass energy electricity are contained in the Ministerial Decrees DM 23/6/2016 [9] and DM 16/2/2016 [10] for electricity and thermal energy, respectively.
- gas micro-turbines
- liquefazione indiretta del carbone
- turbo-compressione
- alternative alla tecnologia altoforno
- agriculture residues vegetal residues
- solid biomass production and logistics
- Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28/EC
- biodegradable fraction
- waste
- animal manure
- forestry
- fisheries
- aquaculture residues
- biodegradable industrial waste biodegradable municipal waste
- biofuels from wood
- wood waste
- agricultural residues
- agro-industrial residues. biomass supply chain
- biomass production
- biomass harvesting
- biomass collection
- biomass pre-treatment
- densification
- chipping
- aluminum
- baling
- pelleting
- torrefaction
- biomass transport
- biomass use
- bioenergy
- soil and water conservation and use
- solid and liquid biofuels
- Sustainable Forest Management
- European Biomass Association
- CO2 transport
- Statistical Report and Bioenergy Outlook
- primary bioenergy consumption
- wood pellets
- wood chips
- firewood
- National Energy Strategy
- SEN 2017
- CO2 fixation
- Time Weighted Average National Price
- bio-electricity
- wood and pellets for residential heating
- National Renewable Energy Action Plan
- Ministerial Decrees DM 23/6/2016
- DM 16/2/2016
- fissazione della CO2
- IRENA REmap 2030
- Gassificazione del carbone
- reti di trasmissione
- Italian Association for Agri-Forestry Energy
- IEA Bioenergy
- Forest Research Agency
- produzione e logistica della biomassa solida
- direttiva 2009/28/CE su energie rinnovabili
- frazione biodegradabile
- rifiuti
- residui agricoli vegetali
- letame animale
- residui da silvicoltura
- pesca
- residui di acquacoltura
- rifiuti industriali biodegradabili
- rifiuti urbani biodegradabili
- biocombustibili solidi da legno
- rifiuti di legno
- residui agricoli
- residui agro-industriali
- approvvigionamento di biomassa
- produzione di biomassa
- raccolta di biomassa
- pretrattamento
- densificazione
- essiccazione
- pressatura
- pellettizzazione
- torrefazione
- trasporto di biomassa
- utilizzo di biomassa
- bioenergia
- conservazione e uso suolo e acqua
- biocarburanti solidi e liquidi
- Associazione europea delle biomasse
- Rapporto statistico e prospettive bioenergetiche
- consumo primario di bioenergia
- pellets
- cippato
- legna da ardere
- Strategia energetica nazionale
- bio-elettricitÃ
- legno e pellet per riscaldamento
- piano d'azione nazionale per le energie rinnovabili
- DM 23/6/2016
- Associazione italiana per l'energia agro-forestale