Produzione e trasformazione di energia primaria
Oil Refinery
Autors: Vittoria Fatta
Production and Transformation of Primary Energy
Refining is a combination and sequence of physical and chemical processes aiming to convert crude oil and other hydrocarbons-based feedstock into various marketable products such as liquefied petroleum gases (LPG), gasoline, jet fuel, kerosene, diesel, heating oil, fuel oil, lubricants, paraffin, waxes, petrochemical feedstock and asphalts. In the refinery crude oil is separated into specific boiling range streams, then the distillation output is converted in the finished refined products through the subsequent refinery processing. Refinery configuration and complexity are very specific to the characteristics of the raw material to be processed, the products to be produced and their quality specification. Based on the level of complexity it is possible distinguish four general type of refinery: topping, hydro-skimming, conversion and deep conversion. Since a complex refinery is more competitive than simple one, being able to add value to crude oil, the investments are oriented toward the building of new complex and flexible refineries and the upgrading of the existing in order to rise their level of complexity