Energy Technologies

Tecnologie per il residenziale e i servizi

Status Title Autors Info
Status Title Autors Info
5 Tumble Dryers Chiara Boccaletti, Stefano Elia
5 Freezers Chiara Boccaletti, Stefano Elia, Simonetta Fumagalli
5 Home and Building Automation Luigi Martirano, Matteo Manganelli, Nicola Labia
5 Electric Ovens Chiara Boccaletti, Stefano Elia, Simonetta Fumagalli
5 Refrigerators Chiara Boccaletti, Stefano Elia, Simonetta Fumagalli
5 Lighting and Smart Lighting Fabio Bisegna, Laura Pompei, Laura Blaso
5 Buildings Envelope – Opaque Structure Antonio Di Micco, Fabio Bisegna, Chiara Burattini, Laura Pompei
5 Buildings Thermal Insulation Fabio Bisegna, Laura Pompei, Enrico Ferretti
5 Dishwashers Chiara Boccaletti
5 Washing Machines Chiara Boccaletti, Stefano Elia
5 Space Heating and Cooling Fabio Bisegna, Laura Pompei, Fabio Nardecchia, Leonardo Antonio Fallucchi
5 Solar Heating and Cooling (residenzial) SalvatoreTamburrino, Fabio Nardecchia, Fabio Bisegna
5 Television Sets and Smart TV Matteo Manganelli, Luigi Martirano, Riccardo Loggia
5 Mechanical and Hybrid Ventilation Nicola Labia, Chiara Burattini, Fabio Nardecchia, Fabio Bisegna
5a Computer, notebook e accessori Gaetano Fasano e Cresme spa 2018 archive
5a Heat Pumps Raniero Trinchieri,Giovanni Puglisi 2018 archive
5a Monitor Gaetano Fasano e Cresme spa 2018 archive
5a Pianicottura Gaetano Fasano e Cresme spa 2018 archive

   Washing Machines

Autors:   Chiara Boccaletti, Stefano Elia

Residential and service technology

The diffusion of washing machines in Italian families is really high, just lower than that of refrigerators, and is equal to 24,914,000 units, according to the most recent available statistical data from ISTAT (2019), corresponding to 97.6%. Actually, the market of washing machines has reached the saturation level, with a penetration rate of nearly 100% in all countries of the European Union.

The average duration of a washing machine before its disposal is between 12 and 14 years. Therefore, the market is characterized by a high rate of replacement of old appliances, and not by an increase of the existing stock.

On average, in 2015-2016 in Italy, 1.9 millions of washing machines have been purchased yearly. From current data, it comes out that 2,200,000 machines have been sold in 2020. Indeed, in the last year almost 2,200,000 washing machines have been manufactured in Italy. The import-export-balance has no influence, since there is an equal amount of units (about 2,000,000 appliances) imported and exported.

Again from ISTAT, it results that washing represents the first cost item regarding appliances in Italian families, equal to about 3.3 Euros per month per family, if compared with the cold appliances sector, for which the expense amounts to 2 Euros per month and the cooking sector with a monthly expense of about 1 Euro. This value remained stable in the years 2017, 2018, and 2019. Washing machines are in fact the most frequently used appliances and those with the largest market.


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