Tecnologie per il residenziale e i servizi
Autors: Chiara Boccaletti
The total number of dishwashers in the Italian households was estimated at about 13,000,000 units (2019 data). The mean life cycle of a dishwasher before disposal is comparable to that of a washing machine, between 12 and 14 years. In Europe the average duration of household big appliances is around 12.5 years, and it is estimated that some 38% must be repaired at least once during the lifetime.
Based on Italian statistics (ISTAT), washing represents the first cost item regarding appliances in Italian families, equal to about 3.3 Euros per month per family, followed by the cold appliances sector with an expense of 2 Euros per month, and by the cooking sector with about 1 Euro. Data have been stable in 2017, 2018 and 2019.
The most frequent typology of consumers is the traditional Italian family (couple with two or more children). The progressive increase of households with only one person could hinder the diffusion of dishwashers, because this type of consumer is less inclined to buy a dishwasher.
Based on the offer and the market analysis, the technology currently used to wash dishware is consolidated since a long time, and at the moment only incremental changes are expected.
Based on the last available data (2019), in 2018, about 984,000 dishwashers have been manufactured and introduced in the market; a number very similar to that of 2017 and 2016, indicating a stagnation of the market. In contrast, in the years 2014 and 2015, about 1,100,000 units were produced yearly. In 2020, the dishwasher sector represented almost 10% of the total appliances in Italian households