Welcome to SIMTE

SIMTE is an information system for monitoring developments and innovation in energy technology. The SIMTE platform makes available reports, data and analytics on performance, costs and market prospects of technologies for energy production, transformation and end-use. It addresses experts and stakeholders of the energy sector, and consumers who are in the process of making choices on energy technologies. The SIMTE project was developed by ENEA in 2018 and financed by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development (DLgs 28, 3.3.2011, c. 7, Art. 40, DM 6.7.2012, DM 28.12.2012). The platform is currently being updated on behalf of the Ministry for Ecological Transition within the framework of the Electricity System Research Plan 2019-21.

Objectives & Partnerships

The SIMTE platform offers reports, data and analytic tools on performance, costs, regulatory and market aspects of technologies for energy production, transformation and end-use. SIMTE addresses experts and stakeholders of the energy sector, and consumers who are in the process of making choices on energy technologies. SIMTE benefits from the cooperation of the Polytechnic of Turin (DENERG Dept.) and the “Sapienza” University of Rome (DIAEE Dept.) for the technical contents, and the collaboration with Cresme Ricerche SpA for the dissemination strategies. The SIMTE platform is powered by IBM-Watson Artificial Intelligence implemented by IBM/Sistemi Informativi. ...read more

Data and Information

The SIMTE platform offers for each technology a document drawn up by experts that contextualizes information and data on processes, performance, costs, development prospects, regulatory and market aspects, with reference to the national and international context.
The documents are periodically updated also on the basis of comments proposed by expert users who collaborate with SIMTE. The SIMTE portal, currently being updated, offers documents on nearly 100 technologies for energy production, transformation and end-uses. For each technology, information and data typically include: ... read more


The SIMTE platform provides users registered as "experts" with a cost/benefit analysis model that allows performance and costs of energy technologies to be calculated based on data taken from the SIMTE DB and/or entered by the user himself. The model is able to treat all energy technologies, from large plants to small devices, with the same approach, calculating energy performance and final production costs (of the energy carrier or service, e.g. €/kWh, €/km, €/t) on the basis of modifiable data and market conditions. This feature allows experts and investors to compare different technologies with the same production purpose, as well as public decision-makers to compare policy measures applied to different technology sectors (eg: power, transport, residential, industry). Model.

Cooperate with SIMTE

Energy experts and decision makers, professionals, academics and investors who hold technical, economic and/or market knowledge relating to one or more energy technologies are kindly invited to collaborate with SiMTE and register as “Expert”.
By this registration, in addition to the services offered to all users, they can:

a) access the Cost/Benefit analysis model for calculating technology performance and costs based on data entered by themselves;
b) propose comments, justified changes, updates and additions to the technical documents posted on the SIMTE web.


The SIMTE platform offers its services for free to registered “users” and "experts". The registration as "user" allows the access to reports and databases via a Virtual Assistant which helps searching and comparing performance and costs of different technologies, and addresses users’ questions. The registration as "expert" also allows the access to the computational model for assessing performance, costs and investment in energy technologies, based on data from the SIMTE DB or entered by the user. The registration as "expert" is recommended for professionals, institutional or academic users who hold technical, economic, operational, regulatory or market knowledge in the field of energy technologies.  ...PLEASE REGISTER


Key words and tags.

 Energy Technologies


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